It’s Cosmic

Weekly Horoscope: January 14 to 21, 2024

Here’s what the stars have in store for you this week.
Weekly Horoscope

Your weekly horoscope is here. It’s not quite the Age of Aquarius, but it is Aquarius season from Saturday as the sun and much-hyped Pluto orbit into the sign of the water bearer. The Age of Aquarius won’t arrive in our lifetime, although we’re clearly catching early indicators (so much tech!). For this week, enjoy the last days of punctual, pragmatic, and ever-pressing-toward-successful-material-outcomes Capricorn season. Embrace pride and enthusiasm in your steps toward securing financial independence, building expertise over time, and leadership. That’s what this archetype is all about and why you have 12 major archetypes to draw from for a well-rounded life. Think like a perfumer and concoct your personal blend; a base note of Millennial Girl-Boss, a drop of tough-but-fair, with a top note of all-eyes-on-me. Come up with three concepts you’d like to dial up and express them throughout your day.

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of January 14 through January 21, 2024.

March 21–April 19


As the moon revs through your sign Tuesday & Wednesday, utilize the enterprising mood and attack a job you’ve been ignoring, ignite the fuse on a project, or challenge yourself physically. This is competitive go-getter energy with a practical bent. Whatever you’ve been considering, intending, or planning, put your foot on the gas and drive it out of the garage, onto the freeway. As this is the last week of Capricorn season, it’s all about practicality, so road test ideas. Last week’s new moon swings up to a quarter-moon phase as it travels through Aries, so tease out rough spots and jettison what you won’t be taking on the journey. Saturday the sun talks its way into group-oriented Aquarius, and into your social sphere of extended friendship circles, peers, and people with a common interest or purpose. If you’re the linchpin, then embrace your leadership role, or place yourself in one for the good of a cause you believe in.

April 20–May 20


Lover of all things that delight the senses, Taurus, la luna is gliding through your sign Thursday to early Saturday so make the most of the lush yet practical emphasis on the earth element and enjoy the bounty that surrounds you. Gratitude for your favorite things, experiences, people, and the way you feel, no matter how simple or extravagant, invites more in. It messages positive signals to your chemical reward factory to send more feel-good concoctions down the line. Saturday, the sun switches signs, embarking on its Aquarian edition of solar-powered self-expression. This position challenges your love of tranquility with a call to arms. Standing up for what you believe in for the good of the collective or group in your career or public image sphere is on the cards. What have you been silent on? Is it time to throw your hat in the ring on a topical issue, stand up for a cause at work, or represent as a force for good with your calm persistence.

May 21–June 21


La luna lights up your sign at the end of the week from Saturday through to Monday afternoon. This happens to be the first day of Aquarius season, making it breezy, social, and the perfect time to organize a gathering and connect your favourites. The pile-on into air sign sociability doesn’t end there. The notorious planet Pluto switches gears the same day and if you follow astrology, you’ll see a lot of hype it’s move into group-oriented, humanitarian Aquarius. When planets are in the other air signs that means you catch the updraft so set your sail Gemini, you’re about to pick up some speed. Periods characterized by air tend to focus on communication, value intellect, and move very quickly. They’re light, curious, and highly stimulating, so if you’re compelled to pursue your ideas, knowledge, connect with someone, or share your own, hop to it and don’t hold back. This is a period of expansion as well as depth and transformation.

June 22–July 22


This week’s emphasis on your one-to-one equal relationships continues, so remember to catch your reflection in the mirror of your partnerships. By weeks end, the energy shifts as your sphere of shared resources, intimacy, and psychology light up as the sun moves into hyper-rational Aquarius season. Although you may not see eye to eye with this archetypal energy, it bestows clarity on issues or areas that could at other times feel undefined or even obscured from view. Take an objective and experimental approach to your desires to better understand what you like and why. Embrace a deeper intellectual connection over this month and find space and independence within a relationship. As you hone your gut instincts, note what ‘vibrations’ you’re picking up in the room and distill the meaning. What and how does your instinct communicate to you with? Do you just ‘know’? Or is it a feeling, words, a picture etc?

July 23–August 22


Back up those New Year’s resolutions that sounded good at the time but might not have seen any progress… yet. As the emphasis on your work and wellness sector continues, pursue a goal, seek answers, and connect with others to create solutions. This is a great time to upgrade your learning in a particular area, mentor or find one (or both), and share or promote your ideas. If you’re operating your own business, promote a special or niche offer and if you’re in a larger organization, it may be time to pitch your plan. Need a change? Update that resume, polish your LinkedIn profile, and make connections. How about writing an article or two to show your expertise or linking your work, testimonial, or references to support your professional side? On Saturday, the Sun moves into your opposite sign of science-oriented Aquarius, highlighting your relationship sphere. Find creative and romantic inspiration through someone special, and remember, vive la différence!

August 23–September 22


The earth signs really do come up trumps in the realm of the practical material girl so nail your strategy and planning over this last week of earthy Capricorn season. Get creative so your mind is open to think outside its usual box and come up with new solutions to old problems that may have been eluding you, up until now that is. Take action on any new moon intentions you listed last week and get some traction in the here and now. By weeks end, the sun shifts into Aquarius season, lighting up your sphere of work and wellness. Habit and regular routines underpin our success or failure in so many areas, including our health. Since yours is a sign often interested in wellness, yet not always sticking to the plan, make this your month to tidy up your health habits and ditch at least one that doesn’t align with that vision. For inspiration, find a mentor or someone you admire that has beaten that habit or embodies one you’re embarking on. Take the same approach to a specific area of your work life.

September 23–October 23


With this week’s final solar emphasis in your sphere of home and family, take time to relax, unwind, and enjoy what you’ve worked for. Themes of being a provider suggest a ‘horn of plenty’ mindset and energy, so survey all that you’ve built, in whatever form that may be, and serve yourself some gratitude for the work you’ve done. The inner, private world is worth exploring here, and it may be useful to reflect on your lineage and family legacy. Ancestral healing is a practice gaining popularity. From what I hear, it can be very revealing, and this would be a fine week to add it to your calendar under ‘mystical curios and therapies’. If that’s too woo for you, catch up on your favorite classics, whether a book, film, or series. If you’re the home office type, get yourself organized; this could be a highly productive week for you, Libra. Saturday’s solar shift spotlights your sphere of romance and creative self-expression, make some dates and take time to play.

October 24–November 21


Work your gal-about-town era with professional networking in your local area. Follow up on connections and cultivate new ones so they bloom over the next year. Improving your knowledge on a particular topic could be beneficial as Mercury, the planet of the intellect, is heading through this sphere until Feb 4. Or is it time to put together your own master class? Whatever it is, do it with polish. On Saturday, the Sun and your ruling planet Pluto shift signs into the rarified air of Aquarius, activating your sphere of home and family. Consider what you’d like to achieve in this area over the next few months. Family may take precedence, as you make space for others under your roof. A theme of detachment serves up a challenge as you prefer a high level of emotional and physical connection. However, consider and embrace the benefits. Independence is exciting, and it will give you more room to discover hidden talents and grow.

November 22–December 21


Venus, the planet of love and beauty, is past the midway point of your sign, so continue to make the most of its beneficial presence by taking time to enjoy your favorite escapes, places, and people. Be extra, dial it up, and have fun with your look because it’s the flavor of the month. Try out your charm offensive because Venus is a lover, not a fighter. As the sun moves through to your sphere of local connections, switch into gal-about-town mode. Organize coffee dates, talk to people around you, and engage with your community in real life. Long live eye contact and getting to know locals on a first-name basis. The sun in Aquarius brings themes of conversation, emotional detachment, intellect, and social activism. What social ideals or cause do you go to bat for? Get clear on that and take action in ways you can make a difference, big or small.

December 22–January 19


This is the last lap of Capricorn season, so lead by example while you’re in high rotation. What has been illuminated over this last month? Has anything about your identity, direction, or a point of self-discovery set your wheels in motion for 2024? On Saturday, the sun says au revoir to Capricorn season for another year and hello Aquarius for the next month. Lighting up your sphere of values, resources, and finance, it’s time to clarify what you hold most dear. Are you earning, spending, and investing in line with your highest values? What are they and how could you bring them more into line if you’ve veered off on a tangent? Themes for the upcoming month center around social IQ, independence, and experimentation. Appeal to humanitarian and social ideals for the win. Group activity is favored, so consider the benefits of collectives vs. siloing and be sure to check supply chains and investment options for ethical practice. Let others know the value of your practices if you’re pitching.

January 20–February 18


This is your time to shine Aquarius! The Sun lights up your sign from Saturday so happy birthday, and bring on the bubbles, cue your social circles, and head into the fray; this is a busy month for you water bearer. And by water bearer, in astrology, we mean, knowledge. So be the change, spread the word, pursue your ideals and make contact with those who share your passion. The astro headline rounding out this week is all about Pluto. The planet representing the best and worst of power, destruction and regeneration, is heading into your sign until mid-June. Be prepared to stare detractors in the eye; like staring down your fear in a bad dream and discovering your power by doing so. Embrace your power through accepting something about yourself, opening up to your full potential with pride. Pursue an interest in the metaphysical, psychological, or feel a deep drive to be the change you want to see in the world. Pluto will be back in your sign from 2025 through to 2043, giving you plenty of time to own your personal power!

February 19–March 20


Maintain a focus on all things social, extended groups and belated catch-ups. By Saturday, carve out time for solitude and get extra sleep. Reflect on the past months and digest what you’ve experienced. What might you like to take on, take in, and carry forward? What might you prefer to leave behind? Slough off excess energy and ideas about yourself and identity that don’t support your greatest shine and unique self-expression. Pluto, the planet of power and transformation heads into this sphere by the weekend, so dreams and insights into the collective are bound to be dramatic. Note the way you’re tapped in and what you’re picking up that may not be well expressed. Perhaps it’s your time to speak for those without a voice, represent, or use your creativity if you’re artistic, to express the unexpressed. This is a wonderful time for meditation, dream journaling and channeling the muses.

Vanessa Montgomery—a.k.a. Astro All-Starz—is a professional counseling astrologer and the upcoming author of Astro Power: A Simple Guide to Prediction and Destiny for the Modern Mystic Aimed at enlightenment and seeing past labels to the oneness that unites us all, Montgomery’s work also helps navigate the practical essentials with grounded cosmic intel. Her motto: Free your mind, own your power, create your world. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz.